The Metrix has you...


For many developers, the process of their product's release is like throwing a blind kitten to the wild dogs. After that creators' main task is to fight back some bugs that accidentally managed to reach them. However, an app doesn't finish its life circle in the teeth of users, it only starts to live. And it needs the help of developers no less than during its development and testing.

In this talk we'll see how we can monitor the product's work and its real-world environment, we'll learn how to collect crucial metrics and present them in an appropriate way. We'll find out what is Time Series and how they can help the apps during the diagnostic process. We'll get acquainted with monitoring instruments market leaders, the specialized database InfluxDB, as well as with the data visualization system, Grafana.

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Anatoly Kulakov
Anatoly Kulakov kulakovt

Paladyne Systems

Was getting an education to become an information security specialist. Was earning money like a tough C++ developer on Linux. After getting bored of coding, he felt the urge to create and switched to C#. Has been writing in .NET since its first versions. Is designing and developing business applications, distributed and fault-tolerant systems. Spends his spare time with ES, CQRS and DDD.

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